The Final Hours

T minus 1 hour.
I’m a last minute packer. I try to pack ahead of time, but no matter what I always seem to be in a rush and throwing things together up until the last second. This was no exception. I hate the feeling I have leading up to the moment I get to the airport and make my way through security. With lists running through my head of what I needed to bring, I always feel unsure I’ve remembered everything. Then I always remind myself, if I have my passport and my credit card, it’s all good, everything will work out, and I just have to let it go because inevitably, I probably will forgot something!

“I’m sorry, your seat cannot be processed at this time, please speak to a customer service representative” The automated machine flashed. Ummmm ok what?!….I had my flight booked months ago, what was this for? What a great start to my trip! I went to talk to someone and got all that sorted out. Besides not getting a seat assigned right away, I was on my way. No big deal.

I didn’t get my seat until right before boarding, but it ended up being prime real estate for me. I scored a window seat right near the back of the plane, but because of the arrangement of seats and the way it narrowed towards the back there was a gap between the seat the the window for the last few rows, which meant extra leg room! Being 6′ isn’t usually the most comfortable on airplanes. After an edible airplane dinner and a movie I was able to doze off a bit… 8.5 hours later I landed in London for a 2.5 hour layover that turned into 4 hours with a delay. By the time I boarded my connecting flight I was exhausted. I passed right out after finding my seat, before we even took off. I must have not been asleep for long because by the time I woke up we were only just taking off. I was so out of it though, I think there was some drool action about to happen and that’s what woke me up. This flight was only 2 short hours and we flew through sunset and into darkness. I didn’t score a window seat on this flight but the kind couple next to me ducked out of the way for me to snap a quick photo.

I arrived in Barcelona to finally meet up with Megan, who didn’t look like her chipper self after getting sick on the journey here. It was 9:30pm in Barcelona by the time we reunited and we were ready to make the trek to our hotel…