2 continents. 3 countries. 6 weeks.
2 friends.

16 months ago I started thinking about it. 8 months ago I started talking about it. 6 months ago I told people I was going. 3 months ago I booked my flight. 3 days from today we fly to Barcelona to start our trip. It’s really happening! It still hasn’t really sunk in for me yet though and I don’t think it will until I’m on the plane or actually in Spain. I’ve been so busy working that I haven’t even had time to get that excited about it yet. A part of me still doesn’t even believe it’s happening. It’s crazy and awesome! Okay I’m getting excited now…

Why Spain, Portugal, and Morocco?
Well it’s a different story for each of us but somehow our plans collided, and now we’re in this together. For me, the idea started when I wanted to visit my oldest sis, her husband and their five beautiful children. They were living in Portugal at the time so they could learn Portuguese before moving to Angola to be missionaries. I wanted to visit them over there, but unfortunately, the timing wasn’t right and it didn’t work out for me to go while they were still there, but Portugal remained on my travel list. The idea of going to Spain and Morocco as well wasn’t even mine originally…another of my sisters had mentioned how cool it would be to do a trip to those three countries. The thought lingered in the back of my mind and as time passed I thought about it more and more. I started telling people I was thinking about planning a trip over there, and then I started telling people I was going. Sometime after discussing my travel ideas, Megan shared her interest in going to Spain. She didn’t even know I was planning on going to Portugal and Morocco as well at the time, but when she found out, she was totally on board. Once I started telling people I was going, there was no backing out so I bought my ticket! I can’t believe that was over 3 months ago. Time has flown by and now we are leaving in 3 days!

Here’s to another adventure!


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One Comment

  1. Hi Ladies
    Glad to hear you landed safely. Looking forward to your first update and fantastic photos!
    Dad White

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